The Guilbault Girls Show

Jacqueline & Alexa Child of Dateabilty. Dateability is the only dating app designed for the disabled and chronically ill communities.

Karen Guilbault

Welcome to the Guilbault Girls Show where you will have the opportunity to hear from mothers, fathers, siblings, and individuals themselves about their journey of living with a disability.

In this episode we had the pleasure of interviewing Jacqueline and Alexa Child, founders of Dateabilty. Dateability is a dating app designed for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses.

After becoming disabled due to chronic illnesses as a teenager, Jacqueline’s life was forever changed. She was quickly exposed to the ableist behaviors and expectations perpetuated by society. She found dating challenging and would always fear disclosing her disability. She constantly wished she could meet someone else who understood life with chronic illness and disabilities. Since there wasn’t an app to do that, Jacqueline and Alexa decided they would make one.

Jacqueline graduated from Colorado College in 2016 with a degree in Psychology and received her master’s degree in Family and Human Development in 2017. She spends her free time playing music, volunteering at the local animal shelter, and hanging with family and her dog, Luna.

Alexa graduated from College of the Holy Cross in 2012 and Georgetown University Law Center in 2015.  After law school, she began her career in public service and is currently a public interest attorney. She enjoys all the typical Colorado things—hiking and skiing—but also loves to cook and binge watch TV.

For more information go to:

As they say it takes a village, and you can help be a part of that village, simply sharing our show to the masses to spread awareness, change mindsets, and help teach other's to be kind to one another.

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Want to be a guest on the show?!  Then be sure to contact us today and don’t forget to subscribe to our Guilbault Girls Podcast and YouTube show, and make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at Guilbault Girls.

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Our daughter, Faith Guilbault directed a documentary called Faith’s World about her journey of living with a disability which aired on PBS in April of 2020. You can watch the documentary in full at the following link the link:

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